2 Yoga Poses to Reverse Rounded Shoulders (With a Simple Posture Test!)

2 Yoga Poses to Reverse Rounded Shoulders (With a Simple Posture Test!)

Rounded shoulders are a common issue these days. From long hours at a desk, to gardening, to too much time on our phones, many of us end up with this less-than-ideal posture. In this blog, I’ll go over how rounded shoulders can be harmful to your health, I’ll walk you through a quick posture test,…

3 Yoga Poses for Kyphosis: Fix Your Hunchback with Simple Yoga Exercises

3 Yoga Poses for Kyphosis: Fix Your Hunchback with Simple Yoga Exercises

Kyphosis, hunchback, dowager’s hump, text neck…the excessive rounding of your thoracic spine goes by many names! Not only does this hump affect our appearance, but it also takes a toll on our overall health. Explore how three simple yoga poses can work wonders in counteracting poor postural habits that lead to kyphosis, bringing relief and…