4 Reasons to Try 1:1 Yoga Therapy

Private yoga therapy session. Yoga therapist and client stretching with yoga strap.

Group yoga classes aren’t for everyone, especially if you have unique goals or limitations. Enter private yoga therapy—a tailored approach that focuses solely on you!

In this post, I’m highlighting four reasons to consider yoga therapy for a truly personalized yoga practice. You’ll see how this individualized attention can be a game changer for your wellness journey.

Did you know that yoga used to be taught primarily in a one-on-one setting? The practice of yoga was passed down in from teacher to student, taught in a highly specialized way and personalized for the individual.

My, how things have changed! Group yoga classes have become the norm these days, and there are lots of wonderful things about practicing yoga in a group setting. I love the energy of a group and I love helping create a community.

However, there’s usually a wide range of student levels, physical abilities, and injuries in each class. To cater the class to every student’s unique needs becomes incredibly challenging, if not impossible.

This is why private yoga therapy can be so incredibly beneficial! I truly think that anyone could benefit from yoga therapy, but if you resonate with any of the following, yoga therapy would be an especially good fit for you.

You might want to consider yoga therapy if…

You’re a beginner

Yoga therapy is ideal for beginners since you get one-on-one guidance tailored to your abilities. This makes yoga less intimidating and allows for more personalized attention. You don’t need to do any fancy yoga poses to benefit. The focus is solely on your unique needs.

My yoga therapy sessions have a strong focus on breathing and alignment, which helps beginners avoid injury and build a solid foundation. You can progress at your own pace, gaining confidence and skills in a supportive, encouraging environment.

For the beginner yoga practitioner, there’s a world of possibility and potential just waiting to be explored.

Emma Newlyn

You have a specific wellness goal you’d like to reach

If you’ve got a specific wellness goal in mind, 1:1 yoga therapy might be the perfect fit for you.

Spend all day working at a desk? Yoga therapy can help relieve your stress and your constant neck and shoulder pain. Feeling stiff & tight all over? We can target flexibility and help release built-up tension.

Here are a few other recent client goals so you can get more of an idea:

  • Improve balance to prevent falls
  • Build strong bones and learn how to move safely with osteoporosis
  • Get up and down from the ground with more ease
  • Weight management
  • Relieve feelings of anxiety
Woman Practicing Yoga Therapy, hands in mudra

You’re working with a health challenge, pain, or an injury

If you’re facing health challenges, chronic pain, or recovering from an injury, private yoga therapy could be a great option for you. This is really where yoga therapy shines.

It’s not that yoga therapy claims to “fix” these conditions, but instead it’s a method of support for healing. I like how Gary Kraftsow put it:

I’ve worked with clients to get them ready for and help them bounce back from joint replacement surgeries (after their physical therapy was complete). I’ve also supported people after a stroke, and those living with Parkinson’s and MS. I’ve helped clients with arthritis regain mobility and reduce pain. Another client with osteoporosis rediscovered confidence in movement as well as improvement in balance and strength.

These sessions are completely tailored to your needs, so you can move at your own pace and focus on what’s most important for your recovery and wellbeing.

Yoga is not a panacea, but it is powerful medicine indeed for body, mind, and spirit. Above all, yoga is a path. The longer you stay with it and the more heart you put into the journey, the farther it can take you.

Timothy McCall

You’re looking to deepen your practice

The beautiful thing about yoga is that you will never know it all. There is always more to learn, more to explore. We’re just scratching the surface of the immense depth of this practice.

Yoga therapy can help you peel back layers and uncover more about yourself through not only the yoga postures, but also the meditation practices, breath techniques, philosophy, mantra, mudra, and yoga lifestyle recommendations.

I have a handful of clients that I’ve had the honor to work with consistently over a longer period of time, and our work together has shifted, changed, and deepened through the years.

Your yoga practice can serve you in different ways depending on your situation and what stage of life you’re in, and your yoga therapist can be your guide in exploring and deepening your practice throughout these stages.

Ready to try yoga therapy?

Yoga therapy meets you where you are. Whether you’re a beginner or you are years deep into your practice, there’s always room to learn and grow.

I offer yoga therapy sessions online using Zoom, or if you live near Granbury, Texas, we can meet in person at my yoga therapy office. Read about my yoga therapy package options or reach out with any questions.

More yoga therapy resources

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