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Try the “Plank Plus” for Strong, Pain-Free Shoulders

Woman doing yoga in a pose called the Plank Plus, which stabilizes the shoulders and improves your posture.

If you want strong, stable shoulders that stay healthy as you age, training your shoulder blades is key – and the Plank Plus is the perfect exercise to get you there.

This simple movement targets often-overlooked stabilizing muscles that make a significant difference in how your shoulders feel and function.

In my years of teaching, I’ve noticed many students unconsciously “hanging” in their shoulder joints during poses like tabletop or downward-facing dog. Yoga practice often reveals this underlying pattern of instability – one that can contribute to shoulder discomfort both on and off the mat.

Understanding your shoulder stabilizers

Before we dive into the exercise, let’s talk about a key player in shoulder health: the serratus anterior muscle. This often-overlooked muscle lies underneath your shoulder blade and wraps around your rib cage.

Serratus Anterior - Muscle that wraps around the ribcage

When your serratus anterior is strong and engaged, it works harmoniously with other shoulder muscles to create a feeling of stability and strength in your upper body.

But here’s what I’ve observed in yoga classes: Many of us have a weak or underused serratus, which can lead to instability and imbalances in the upper body. These imbalances can lead to pain over time.

Introducing: The Plank Plus!

This is where a movement called the Plank Plus (sometimes known as a scapular push-up) comes in. This exercise specifically targets the serratus anterior and helps create that strong, compact feeling we want in our shoulders and upper back.

What makes this movement particularly effective is its adaptability to different strength levels and how simple it is to practice at home. Not only does it benefit your entire yoga practice, but it’s also an excellent tool for maintaining healthy, functional shoulders as you age.

How to practice the Plank Plus: A step-by-step progression

Option 1: Wall practice

  1. Stand about arm’s length from a wall.
  2. Place your palms on the wall and step back slightly.
  3. Keep your arms straight throughout the movement.
  4. Let your chest sink toward the wall (shoulder blades “wing” out).
  5. Press actively away from the wall, feeling your shoulder blades move apart and wrap around your ribs/

Tip: Think about widening your upper back as you press away from the wall.

Option 2: Table top position

  1. Come to hands and knees, shoulders over wrists.
  2. Drop your chest down between your shoulder blades.
  3. Press back up, engaging the muscles around your shoulders.
  4. Keep your neck long and maintain core engagement.
  5. Focus on moving only your shoulder area.

Tip: If you’re having trouble connecting with this movement, try placing a yoga block between your shoulder blades. The feedback helps you find the right muscles!

Option 3: Full plank (or with knees down)

  1. Come into a full plank position (or feel free to start with your knees down until you build more strength).
  2. Keep your whole body in one long line.
  3. Drop your chest slightly, letting shoulder blades come together.
  4. Press strongly back up, spreading shoulder blades apart.
  5. Move slowly and with control.

Practice tips for success

Remember these key points as you practice:

  • Move slowly and mindfully – speed isn’t your friend here. The slower you move, the stronger you’ll become (and the more body awareness you’ll develop).
  • Keep breathing throughout the movement.
  • Start with 8-10 repetitions.
  • Choose the level that challenges you while maintaining good form.
  • Practice regularly for the best results!

The benefits of Plank Plus – beyond the mat

While this exercise notably improves yoga poses like plank, downward-facing dog, and chaturanga, its benefits extend far beyond your yoga practice.

Strong, stable shoulders help with daily activities requiring overhead reaching and are essential for maintaining good posture. Regular practice can help prevent shoulder pain and impingement while supporting healthy aging and mobility.

And one of the other valuable benefits of the Plank Plus is how it helps you develop awareness of the back of your body and the area around your shoulder blades. Many of us have limited awareness of how our shoulder blades can and should move.

By practicing the Plank Plus slowly and mindfully, you’ll start to feel the difference between “hanging” in your shoulders versus engaging them properly. This improved body awareness carries over into your yoga practice AND daily activities, helping you maintain better posture and shoulder positioning throughout your day.

Your next step

If you’re inspired to continue building strength and stability in your upper body, I invite you to join my free 3-day Yoga for Posture Challenge!

Each day includes a focused 10-minute practice targeting different aspects of posture – perfect for busy schedules!

We’ll work on building strength, improving flexibility, and developing body awareness to help you stand taller and move with more confidence.

Sign up here to join the challenge!

Remember, the journey to stronger, healthier shoulders is a gradual one. Start where you are, move mindfully, and stay consistent over time. Your body will thank you!

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