The Breath of Joy: An Uplifting, Energizing Yoga Technique

Next week inside Lifelong Yoga Online, we’re kicking off a new 7-day challenge called Move with Joy. Instead of focusing on perfect alignment or pushing ourselves to extremes, we’re exploring how to find more joy and playfulness in our practice.
And I’m especially excited because it means I get to share one of my favorite energizing yoga techniques with you – one that never fails to bring smiles!
It’s called Breath of Joy – and yes, you might feel a bit silly doing it at first! But that’s actually part of its charm. There’s something wonderfully liberating about starting your day with movement that makes you smile.
How to do the Breath of Joy
The breath pattern:
- Take one continuous inhale through your nose in three “sips”
- First sip fills the bottom third of your lungs
- Second sip fills to about two-thirds
- Third sip fills your lungs completely
- Release it all with one energetic “HA!” through your mouth
Adding the movement:
- Start standing with feet about hip-width apart and knees soft
- On the first sip of breath: Swing your arms forward
- On the second sip: Open your arms out to the sides
- On the third sip: Swing your arms up overhead
- On the “HA!”: Let everything release forward, bending your knees and letting your arms swing gently back
Don’t worry about getting the arm movements exactly right – let yourself be free and playful with it!
And better yet, let me guide you through it in this video!
What makes this practice special is how it combines movement with breath in a way that actively awakens your body. It’s like giving yourself a natural energy boost (who needs coffee anyway?) – the kind that leaves you feeling both invigorated and smiling.
The movement helps mobilize your shoulders and upper back, while the dynamic breath pattern naturally energizes your whole system. I often turn to this practice during my mid-day slump – it’s amazing how just a few rounds can lift your energy!
Everyone finds their own comfortable rhythm with this practice. You might prefer to move more slowly or add a bit more energy – both approaches are perfectly fine. What matters most is listening to your body and moving in a way that feels good to you. Take breaks whenever you need them – this practice is about nurturing your body, not pushing it.
If you have high blood pressure, migraines, eye conditions like glaucoma, or any concerns about movement practices, please check with your healthcare provider before trying this technique. If you have a sensitive low back, be mindful with the forward movement at the end – keep your spine long and hinge mindfully at your hips, instead of getting carried away with the momentum of the movement.
I encourage you to try this practice for just a few minutes each day this week. Notice how it makes you feel – both the physical and energetic sensations. The simplest practices often bring the most lasting benefits, especially when we give ourselves permission to approach them with curiosity and kindness.
Ready to explore more practices like this? Join us for just $5 (with code JOY) during our January Joy of Movement special and get access all our therapeutic yoga programs inside Lifelong Yoga Online.
Did you try Breath of Joy? How did it make you feel? Share in the comments below!
Breath of Joy is one of my favourite practices. I feel lighter and refreshed!