
2 Yoga Poses to Reverse Rounded Shoulders (With a Simple Posture Test!)

Rounded shoulders are a common issue these days. From long hours at a desk, to gardening, to too much time on our phones, many of us end up with this less-than-ideal posture.

In this blog, I’ll go over how rounded shoulders can be harmful to your health, I’ll walk you through a quick posture test, and I’ll teach you two simple yoga poses to help reverse your rounded shoulders and improve your posture. (Yes, they can be reversed!)

Negative health effects of rounded shoulders

Rounded shoulders don’t just look bad—they can cause significant health problems. For one thing, they usually don’t just exist on their own. Rounded shoulders tend to come with other poor postural habits like a forward head and slouched back.

Illustration of poor posture with rounded shoulders vs. aligned posture.

Over time, these postural habits lead to imbalances in the body (such as tight pectoral muscles and weak back muscles) and on top of that, our nervous system interprets this slumped position as the body’s natural state.

This can lead to neck and shoulder pain, tension headaches, and affect your spine health, leading to more serious conditions like herniated discs and chronic pain. Poor posture can also throw off your balance, restrict your breathing, and affect your mood and energy levels.

Check if you have rounded shoulders: The Thumbs Test!

Here’s a quick and easy way to see if your shoulders are rounded forward. I call it “The Thumbs Test!”

Stand up, shake everything out, and then stand still like you would naturally. Don’t think too much about your posture. Now, look down at your hands:

  • If your thumbs are forward (or even outward) and palms are facing in towards your body, your shoulders are probably not rounded.
  • If your palms face back behind you and thumbs point in towards your body, you likely have rounded shoulders.

2 simple yoga poses to reverse rounded shoulders

The good news is you can reverse rounded shoulders by opening up the front of your body and stretching the tight muscles in your chest. Here are two simple yoga poses to help with that. (If you’d like extra guidance through these poses, watch this YouTube video where I walk you through step-by-step.)

Pose 1: Pec stretch on the floor

  1. Get on the floor: Start on your stomach.
  2. Position your arms: Place your right hand palm down next to your shoulder. Stretch your left arm out to the side in a diagonal position.
  3. Begin to stretch: Press into your right palm to turn your body to the right. Lift your right foot and hip to help with the turn, and see if you can tap your right toe behind you on the other side of your body.
  4. Important note: Don’t let your left shoulder press into the floor. Keep it open, hugging the left shoulder blade into your back.

Move in and out of this stretch a few times, then hold it while taking deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Pose 2: Supported fish

  1. Use a yoga block or blanket: If you have a yoga block, place it under your shoulder blades. If you don’t, a folded blanket or small firm pillow works too.
  2. Lie down on your back: Rest your spine over the block or blanket, letting your shoulders open up. Your arms should stretch out by your sides with the palms open.
  3. Relax and breathe: Allow your body to relax into this position, feeling the front of your chest opening up.
Supported Fish Pose with yoga props to reverse rounded shoulders

It might take a little finagling to get comfortable in this position. If your low back doesn’t feel good here, move the block up a little higher.

Hold this pose for about five minutes, breathing deeply and letting go of any tension.

Put it together

If you’d like a little guidance in learning these two postures, watch this short YouTube video where I walk you through the thumb posture test and then teach you the two yoga poses.

Consistency is key!

Remember, the key to lasting change is consistency. Doing this movement daily, even for just 5 minutes, can help improve your posture and reduce neck and shoulder pain.

Leave me a comment below to let me know how these poses felt for you.

And if you’re really serious about reversing your rounded shoulders, I have a gift for you: a FREE 3-Day Yoga for Posture Challenge!

Each practice is only 10 minutes and focuses on unlocking tight areas of the body and strengthening weak muscles in order to reverse your rounded shoulders.

Sign up for the free Yoga for Posture challenge so you can get started unlocking your stiffness and improving your posture today!

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